Total Rainfall: 72.6 mm
Highest Temp: 29 degrees Celsius
Lowest Temp: 3 degrees Celsius
Our new orchard consisting of 25 acres is complete with trellis wire, grass, and paint. The 2022 crop looks amazing, this is the first year that the wind machines haven’t been turned on once to avoid frost injury. Did you know that every year we remove over half of the apples as there are way too many to achieve optimum fruit sizing? This is done through chemical thinning which as you can imagine is a very challenging task. If only minimal apples are sprayed off, we will be paying for employees to manually remove the apples by hand, on the flipside if too many fall off…. Well then, we have nothing to supply you with (Risky business). We are very happy with this year’s results and will only need to touch up apple removal by hand.
Primary fungicide season has come to an end (which is measure by heat degree units). The end of this season is very exciting as we no longer have to spray every time it rains. Did you know that temperature correlating with how long the trees are wet for determines whether a spray is required?

Thinning results, yellow apples are what was successfully removed and will drop in a few days.
Packing line/Cooler Operation:
All CA storage has been cleaned from top to bottom. Packing line has been cleaned and is currently undergoing annual maintenance/inspection so that we are prepared for apples starting mid August.
We are also working closely with our packaging supplier to make improvements to all packaging. Our current areas of focus are printed display bins (400lb display) as we feel this is more appealing to our customers. We are also thinking of possibly implementing stand up bags as they are more attractive. If you have any input on our packaging, please reach out and let us know what you like as well as what you dislike so that we can improve for the 2022 season.